Kingsway Consulting is the venue on 18th May for another Foundation Excel training course. Please telephone Cat Symington on 01724 294040 for more details.
Author: Paul
Microsoft Excel Training at Kemira Chemicals
We are running 2 Microsoft Excel courses onsite at Kemira Chemicals on 13th & 15th May 2009. Please contact Cat Symington on 01724 294040.
Microsoft Project Training
We will be conducting Microsoft Project training at Kingsway Consulting on 1st May 2009. For more information please contact cat Symington on 01724 294040.
IT Matters Foundation Computer Courses
There will be 2 Foundation IT courses running at Open Door in Grimsby on 15th & 16th April 09. Please contact Jane Mouncey on 07881 841905 for more details.
PowerPoint Presentation Skills
We are running a PowerPoint Presentation skills course at Kingsway Consulting on 6th April 09. For more information contact Cat Symington on 01724 294040.
IT Matters Foundation Computer Courses
In association with e-factor we will be running IT Matters foundation computer courses on the following dates:
Open Door, Grimsby: April 1st, 15th, 16th & 23rd
For more details please telephone Open Door on 01472 720333
Foundation Microsoft Word training
In assocation with Kingsway Consulting Ltd, we will be conducting a Foundation Word IT course on 24th March. For more details please contact Kingsway Consulting on 01724 294040.
Advanced Microsoft Excel at Humberside Fire and Rescue
In association with Kingsway Consulting, we are pleased to be providing onsite Excel training to Humberside Fire and Rescue on 18th March.
Foundation IT Course
We will be runing an IT Matters foundation Microsoft Word course on 9th February at Nunsthorpe Children’s Centre, grimsby.
Advanced Excel Training
Paul Brown Associates Ltd in association with Kingsway Consulting are running a 1 day Advanced Excel on 6th February. The course will be held at Kingsway Consulting’s training centre, please telephone Kingsway direct on 01724 294040 for more details.